Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Eric, a short bout of freedom

Last night Ruth and I went to see Queensland Theatre Company's "Heroes", based on the hilarious French play of 3 old veterans trying to escape from a home for invalid soldiers in the late 1950s. The scary thing was that I actually knew some of the characters!

I have not felt like adding anything more as so much has been up in the air. There have been a few issues with Eric The Kidney and I have felt that I would rather say nothing for the moment until I have more of an idea how things are travelling.

It all came to a bit of a head with me ending up in St Vincents for around 6 weeks with no real outcome. It became quite frustrating as I semed to be in their too hard basket, but some respite came as I did make it away for a few days to get to Maldon.
I am now at home again. I went back for another 10 days and then we all agreed as we were going nowhere, and things seem to be stable, the best place for me was at home.

I am now going to Monash Medical Center under a different team and am much happier with how things are being handled. They feel I am stable and seem to be happier for me to be at home, only coming in when something needs to be done.